I am working as an assistant professor at the group of Evolutionary and Population Biology, at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam.
My main research interest is how we can use population genetic data to say something about evolutionary and demographic processes. Ultimately, I want to know which processes, including migration, selection, drift, but also anthropogenic disturbance, determine the distribution of genetic information in space. For this, I develop population genetic inferences and write programs for doing such statistical analyses. I also have written a program for doing individual-based simulations. I like to use simulations to test the limitations of statistical techniques in order to detect biases and hidden assumptions.
Besides statistical population genetics, I am interested in issues around conservation, hybridisation, the genetic effects of polyploidy, and the evolution of sexual reproduction.
Previously, I worked at the University of Lausanne with Jerome Goudet at the University of Lausanne, and at the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble with Oscar Gaggiotti (now at St. Andrews). Before that, I have worked at group of Nathalie Isabel at the Canadian Forest Service in Quebec. I did my PhD-thesis in the group of Peter van Tienderen at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
  2. Meirmans, P. G. (2021). Niche divergence contributes to geographical parthenogenesis in two dandelion taxa. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 34 p. 1071-1086.
  3. Varela-Álvarez, E., Loureiro, J., Meirmans, P. G., Castro, M., & Serrão, E. A. (2021). Genomes vary in size and spatial patterns within chimeric blades of Porphyra spp. Frontiers in Marine Science.8 [628183].
  4. Meirmans, P. G. (2020). GenoDive version 3.0: Easy-to-use software for the analysis of genetic data of diploids and polyploids. Molecular Ecology Resources.20 p. 1126-1131.
  5. Meirmans, P. G. (2019). Hardy-weinberg equilibrium. Encyclopedia of Ecology. 2nd ed., Vol. 3, pp. 118-126. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  6. Meirmans, S., & Meirmans, P. G. (2019). The Queen of Problems in Evolutionary Biology. Encyclopedia of life sciences. New York: Wiley.
  7. Stift, M., Kolar, F., & Meirmans, P. G. (2019). STRUCTURE is more robust than other clustering methods in simulated mixed-ploidy populations. Heredity. 123 p. 429-441.
  8. Meirmans, P.G., Liu, S., & van Tienderen, P.H. (2018). The analysis of polyploid genetic data. Journal of Heredity. 109 p. 283-296.
  9. Neiman, M., Meirmans, P.G., Schwander, T., & Meirmans, S. (2018). Sex in the wild: How and why field‐based studies contribute to solving the problem of sex. Evolution. 72 p. 1194-1203.
  10. Meirmans, P.G., & Liu, S. (2018). Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) for autopolyploids.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 6 [66].
  11. van den Burg, M.P., Meirmans, P.G., Van Wagensveld, T.P. et al. (2018). The Lesser Antillean Iguana (Iguana delicatissima) on St. Eustatius: Genetically depauperate and threatened by ongoing hybridization. Journal of Heredity. 109 p. 426-437.
  12. Barmentlo, S.H., Meirmans, P.G., Luijten, S.H., Triest, L., & Oostermeijer, J.G.B. (2018). Outbreeding depression and breeding system evolution in small, remnant populations of Primula vulgaris: consequences for genetic rescue. Conservation Genetics. 19 p. 545-554.
  13. Meirmans, P.G., Godbout, J., Lamothe, M., Thompson, S.L., & Isabel, N. (2017). History rather than hybridization determines population structure and adaptation in Populus balsamifera. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 30 p. 2044-2058.
  14. Christie, M.R., Meirmans, P.G., Gaggiotti, O.E., Toonen, R.J., & White, C. (2017). Disentangling the relative merits and disadvantages of parentage analysis and assignment tests for inferring population connectivity. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 74 p. 1749-1762.
  15. D'Andrea, L., Meirmans, P.G., van de Wiel, al. (2017). Molecular biogeography of prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola L.) shows traces of recent range expansion. Journal of Heredity. 108 p. 194-206.
  16. Nadeau, S., Meirmans, P.G., Aitken, S.N., Ritland, K., & Isabel, N. (2016). The challenge of separating signatures of local adaptation from those of isolation by distance and colonization history: The case of two white pines. Ecology and Evolution. 6 p. 8649-8664.
  17. Meirmans P.G. (2015), Seven common mistakes in population genetics and how to avoid them. Molecular Ecology. 24 p. 3223-3231.
  18. Luijten S.H., Schidlo N. S., Meirmans P.G. et al. (2015), Hybridisation and introgression between Brassica napus and B. rapa in the Netherlands. Plant Biology. 17 p. 262-267.
  19. Hidding B., Meirmans P.G., Klaassen M. et al. (2014), The effect of herbivores on genotypic diversity in a clonal aquatic plant. OIKOS. 9 p. 1112-1120.
  20. Meirmans P.G., Gros-Louis M.-C., Lamothe M. et al. (2014), Rates of spontaneous hybridization and hybrid recruitment in co-existing exotic and native mature larch populations. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 10 p. 965-975.
  21. Meirmans P.G. (2014), Nonconvergence in Bayesian estimation of migration rates. Molecular Ecology Resources. 14 p. 726-733.
  22. Ellstrand N.C., Meirmans P.G., Rong J. et al. (2013), Introgression of crop alleles into wild or weedy populations. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics. 44 p. 325-345.
  23. Rong J., Xu, S., Meirmans P.G. & Vrieling K. (2013), Dissimilarity of contemporary and historical gene flow in a wild carrot (Daucus carota) metapopulation under contrasting levels of human disturbance: implications for risk assessment and management of transgene introgression. Annals of Botany. 112 p. 1361-1370.
  24. Meirmans P.G. & Van Tienderen P.H. (2013), The effects of inheritance in tetraploids on genetic diversity and population divergence. Heredity. 110 p. 131-137.
  25. Ghosh A., Meirmans P.G. & Haccou P. (2012), Quantifying introgression risk with realistic population genetics. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 279 p. 4747-4754.
  26. Meirmans P.G. (2012), AMOVA-based clustering of population genetic data. Journal of Heredity. 103 p. 744-750.
  27. Meirmans P.G. (2012), The trouble with isolation by distance. Molecular Ecology. 21 p. 2839-2846.
  28. Meirmans S., P.G. Meirmans & L.R. Kirkendall (2012), The costs of sex: Facing real-world complexities. Quarterly Review Of Biology. 87 p. 19-40.
  29. Hengstum, T., S. Lachmuth, J.G.B. Oostermeijer, J.C.M. Den Nijs, P.G. Meirmans & P.H. Tienderen. (2012), Human-induced hybridization among congeneric endemic plants on Tenerife, Canary Islands. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 298 p. 1119-1131.
  30. Meirmans P.G. & P.W. Hedrick (2011), Invited Technical Review. Assessing population structure: FST and related measures. Molecular Ecology Resources. 11 p. 5-18.
  31. Meirmans P.G., J. Goudet, IntraBioDiv Consortium & O. Gaggiotti (2011), Ecology and life history affect different aspects of the population structure of 27 high-alpine plants. Molecular Ecology. 20 p. 3144–3155.
  32. Pelgas B., J. Bousquet, P.G. Meirmans, K. Ritland & N. Isabel (2011), QTL mapping in white spruce: gene maps and genomic regions underlying adaptive traits across pedigrees, years and environments. BMC Genomics. 12-145.
  33. Meirmans P.G. (2011), MARLIN, software to create, run, and analyse spatially realistic simulations. Molecular Ecology Resources. 11 p. 146-150.
  34. Meirmans P.G., M. Lamothe, M.-C. Gros-Louis, D. Khasa, P. Périnet, J. Bousquet & N. Isabel (2010), Complex patterns of hybridization between exotic and native north american poplar species. American Journal of Botany. 97 p. 1688-1697.
  35. Thompson S., M. Lamothe, P.G. Meirmans, P. Périnet & N. Isabel (2010), Repeated unidirectional introgression towards Populus balsamifera in contact zones of exotic and native poplars. Molecular Ecology. 19 p. 132-145.
  36. Neiman M., S. Meirmans & P.G. Meirmans (2009), What can asexual lineage age distribution tell us about the maintenance of sex? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1168 p. 185-200.
  37. Meirmans P.G., J. Bousquet & N. Isabel (2009), A metapopulation model for the introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into their wild relatives, Evolutionary Applications.. 2 p. 160-171..
  38. Meirmans, P.G., M. Lamothe, P. Périnet & N. Isabel (2007), Species-specific single nucleotide polymorphism markers for detecting hybridization and introgression in poplar, Canadian Journal of Botany. 85 p. 1082-1091.
  39. Meirmans, P.G. (2006), Using the Amova framework to estimate a standardised genetic differentiation measure, Evolution. 60 p. 2399–2402.
  40. Lamothe, M, P.G. Meirmans & N. Isabel (2006), A set of polymorphic EST-derived markers for Picea species, Molecular Ecology Notes. 6, p.237.
  41. Meirmans, P.G., J. C. M. Den Nijs & P.H. Van Tienderen (2006), Male sterility in asexual dandelions: asexual females versus asexual hermaphrodites, Heredity. 96 p. 45-52.
  42. Meirmans, P.G. (2005), Ecological and genetic interactions between diploid sexual and triploid apomictic dandelions, PhD-thesis. ISBN 9076894000.
  43. Meirmans, P.G., & P.H. Van Tienderen: (2004), GENOTYPE and GENODIVE: two programs for the analysis of genetic diversity of asexual organisms, Molecular Ecology Notes. 4 p.792-794.
  44. Van Der Hulst, R.G.M., P.G. Meirmans, P.H. Van Tienderen & J.M.M. Van Damme: (2004) Nuclear-cytoplasmic male-sterility in diploid dandelions, Heredity. 93 p.43-50.
  45. Meirmans, P.G., E.C. Vlot, J.C.M. Den Nijs & S.B.J. Menken: (2003), Spatial ecological and genetic structure of a mixed population of sexual diploid and apomictic triploid dandelions, Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 16 p.343-352.
  46. Meirmans, P.G., F.G. Calame, F. Bretagnolle, F.Felber & J.C.M. Den Nijs (2000), Anthropogenic disturbance and habitat differentiation between sexual diploid and apomictic triploid Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia, Folia Geobotanica. 34 p.451-469.
About Me
Patrick G. Meirmans
p.g.meirmans #
(remove spaces and replace # with @)
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics,
University of Amsterdam,
P.O. Box 94248,
1090GE Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
+31 20 5258424